My teacher, Paddy McGrath, often says she
wants to write a book on yoga but that she can't get past the first page
because--she jokes--yoga is really very simple and there are really only a few
instructions to give.
Of course she says all of this while floating
effortlessly into a drop back and then flipping into a handstand.
But the more you practice the more you realize
she is right.
Many yoga poses have common instructions just
with your body in different positions and orientations to gravity.
For example, you can see from my recent posts
that trikonasana and parsvakonasana, which look very different, share many of
the same instructions.
One thing that many of the standing poses have
in common is that one foot is forward of the torso and the other is backward
(behind the torso). The tips in this post are for those sorts of poses,
including trikonasana, parsvakonasana, virabhadrasana 1 & 2, privrtta
trikonasana, parivrtta parsvakonasana, and parsvottanasana.
Rotation At Hips
A general instruction that you can follow in
such poses is to try to roll the front thigh out (external rotation of the
femur or thigh bone -- it should feel as though the thigh bone is turning to
the upward and towardsoutside of the mat) and to roll the back thigh onwards
(internal rotation of the femur/thigh bone -- it should feel like the thigh
bone is trying to turn downward and towards the centre of the mat).
These actions help ensure that the spine
remains long without squashing.
Stretch Mat With Feet
Another general instruction you can follow is
to try and stretch the mat with your feet.
That means try to move the front foot forward
and the back foot backward. This action activates hip flexors on the front leg
and hip extensors on the back leg, bringing stability to the hip when combine
with the previous action, and can cause the opposing muscles to relax through
reciprocal relaxation. If you listen carefully to your body you will feel these
actions also bring a natural firmness to your belly.
Press Down Through Ball
of Front Foot
Another common instruction in such poses is to
press down though the ball of the front foot, as though you are trying to push
it through the floor. This action will help you balance and will activate the
muscles of your calves without you needing to consciously tense them.
Line Up Outer Edge of
Front Foot & Squeeze Front Heel In
In these poses the outer edge of the front
foot should be parallel to the outer edge of the mat. The inside of your foot
will be angled in. That is ok. This foot alignment allows
you to squeeze the heel of that for in towards the centre of the mat (although
it does not actually move). This action can be felt all the way into the hip
joint and you will feel that it helps with the external rotation of the front
Lift Outer Edge of Front
With all of the external rotation going on
this can cause the weight to all move onto the outside of the front foot.
Counter this with pressing down on the mound of the big toe and inner heel
while lifting the outer edge of the foot. This brings firmness to
the outer ankle and stability to the posture.
Back Foot Placement
The placement of the back foot in these types
postures depends on your hip flexibility.
For these postures the heel is down with toes
angling outward. The angle depends on how your knee
feels. People with more flexible hips will be able to have the back
heel line ip with the front heel. But a lot of people who have spent
most of their lives in chairs, for instance, will need to move the back foot
over to the side away from the midline of the body.
SummaryWhile I have mentioned the feet last here, as a
general rule you would set your feet first. So, five general ideas
to help your standing poses:
1. Set the feet. Front foot outer edge
parallel to edge of mat and heel squashing in. Back foot angled and
positioned at a comfortable length and width from front foot.
2. Front thigh rolls out. Back thigh rolls in.
3. Stretch the mat with your feet
4. Press the ball of front foot down as though
through the. At.
5. Lift outer edge of front foot.
6. Back foot is set at an angle (toes out heel
in) in a position that depends on hip flexibility and encourages freedom.
And the sneaky seventh? Of course it is to
relax, be firm but calm, and breathe.
The most important thing in these and all yoga
poses, from my perspective, is that you feel strong but relaxed and
free. You should be able to breathe and tell me how much you love
the pose and want to stay in it without gasping for breath.
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